Tuesday, June 09, 2009

get to know nina more?

since nothing i can discuss her happened today, i'll do this instead. (: today was ever more lovely than yesterday! i hope tomorrow is better.

What was the last lie you said? i don't uhh. remember.

Have you ever cried during a movie? uh, no.

Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of? uh, i can take my eyes off of anyone i think. D:

What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare? uh, confessing my crush?

How old were you when you received your first kiss? Who was your first kiss? i haven't gotten one yet. ):

Have you ever been rejected by a crush? uhm, only once.

What is your favourite sport to play? i don't like sport. ): but uh maybe ddr. :D

Have you ever made a prank phone call? i'm to wimpy too! i'd get scared.

What's your favourite childhood memory? when i fell down at legoland. :D

Is there anything that you have done that you regret? not studying and not saying something sooner.

What do you want to be when you grow up? a bontanist or anesthesiologist.

Do you believe in love at first sight? uhm, not so much.

Who was your first crush? uhm, one of my friends in sixth grade.

Who do you have a crush on? i don't want the world to know! D: it's pretty obvious though.

How would you describe yourself? annoying, dependent, helpless, and shy.

What does your screen name mean? which one..? aim is random. most of mine are random.

What person do you trust the most? uhm. dayna, david, judy, and yen nhi nii.

What's the best compliment you have ever received? "you're pretty, (: "

What is your greatest strength? biting c:

What is your greatest weakness? everything. :c

Do you play any instruments? nope.

Do you think you're attractive? WAI no.

Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours? i'm afraid to be tied together. -claustrophobia-

Do you have a celebrity crush? ohmygawd. christofer drew.

What is one thing scientists should invent? a cure for cancers.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to? OHGOD. nina. c:

If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go? uhm, i wouldn't. i like the present. maybe a few hours ago haha.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? being so helpless.

Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves? nope.

Have you ever bitten someone? lots of people.

When's your birthday? march 23rd, 1995.

Have you ever stolen anything? uh, i don't think so.

Do you make wishes on shooting stars? i wish i could. how ironic. xD

If you could go back and change one day, what would it be? none. things that happened in the past led up to the present, and the present as of now is a great gift to me.

Have you ever been in love? nah. just extremely liking.

Are you a morning person or a night person? night lol.

Do you have any hidden talents? you should ask my mind. o:

Do you usually prefer books or movies? neither. D:

Who do you talk most to on the phone? judy.

Have you ever gotten detention? yup.

What's a rumor someone has spread about you? i don't know... D:

Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them? i guess not. but sometimes those things just come out.

Have you ever had a crush on an enemy? nuhuh.

Have you ever had a crush on a best friend? i guess you could say that.

Do you have a collection of anything? ouran high school host club manga.

Are you happy with the person you are becoming? i suppose so.

Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago? i guess so. i'm less fat and less annoying i hope. D:

What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now? pretty much the same. maybe even more laid back.

Are you happy with the life you have? of course. i wouldn't trade right now for the world.

1 comment:

  1. To me, you're obviously in love -sly smile- Fufufu...

    You're so interesting, unlike me D:
