Wednesday, June 10, 2009

oh boy. it's halfway through the week.

gao gao. only one more week until commencement. ): and i still need to buy a dress lol. well, i'm not going to the commencement dance. although, i don't really think anyone cares about that haha. i'm sorry my lovely date anny! i don't have money since i need to pay for the stupid geometry book and i have an orthodonist appointment that day too. ( i don't really have a dress either. ; __ ; ) i didn't really want to go much though. i'm not the out and about kind of person. meaning, i probably won't get much of a tan this summer. dear gosh, i'm rambling again...

well, today was pretty nice. except for stupid jacob that killed yen nhi nii and mister's confession. i have no life, so i depend on yen nhi's love troubles for fun. i got some random hugs today. and some coffee. and i'm kind of sad that the science movie is over. it was a good movie. D,: i liked watching it. too bad miss reily died. and the main character sure did look like toby mcguire. i heart spiderman. c: the history one is almost over too. even though it's pretty weird, it's entertaining. well, the gore and bloodshed is. not the mouring. thank you for letting me sit on your chair today george. :D

that's about it. c: i hope tomorrow will be loverly too.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog entries are like so...entertaining....seriously...

    Thanks to you, I finally figure out who the main character from the science movie looks like! I WAS SO BOTHERED BY THAT! D:

    The history movie was good... but the bloodshed is a bit ... ugh...
    It was funny how they gathered in a circle and shot the guy Lol!

    Well let's look forward to summer vacation!
