Monday, June 08, 2009


well, monday's over. that means... only seven days left of school. well, knott's and commencement don't really count but whatevar. anyways, today was super duper nice. most of it anyway, haha. my leg went like psycho on my at lunch but it's okay. i got three hugs today. (: and i might have to pay for a geometry book because like gonzalo was like "oh, put your book on the shelf." and he took it to the shelf in geometry a while ago. and now it's lost. D: he said it might be at his house, but i don't want to pay 50$. ; __ ; i noticed a little while back that three of my six periods were just watching movies. and they were in a row. science, english, and history. how weird haha. but it was quite relaxing~ except for the anne movie. so annoying. >___> but i don't really want to read "children of the river" either.

well, that's about it for today. i hope tomorrow is even better... (:

1 comment:

  1. Stupid Gonzalo! I have to kill himmmm!
    Well I am glad you had a nice day!
    Three hugs... sure moving fast neh??? -nudge nudge-
    I didn't have to watch the movie Anne Frank, woot!
