Sunday, July 26, 2009

Erokay. I skipped a few days of blogging, but I do have a good reason. Well, not really, but I suppose it's good enough. I was just busy, so I'll recap for those who want to know. Raise your hands! /cricketcricket.

So on Friday I was dragged to Soak City, like the one near Knott's you know? I had to go because my seven year-old friend would be stuck with my brother and her brother if I didn't go. I was woken up at eight by them jumping on my bed and throwing things at me, pleasant no? When I finally woke up, I had to change into my bathing suit and put tons of sunblock on. I don't want to get sunburn I like being sickly pale! Anyways, I eventually got wet because I was dragged onto some rides. They were indeed scary. I also got my knees cut up from dragging them on the floor of this one ride. Oh so fun, it looks like rug burn. But it hurts like cuts. After we left, I got rice and thai tea. Asian food is win. c:

Saturday was busy and painful too, but I am really too tired and lazy to tell you about it. I'm going to stop now, please enjoy my new playlist songs? Uhahha yeah. Ta ta !

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I wonder what's wrong.

Lately I've been getting annoyed at the littlest of things. It could be the heat, but I'm not hot most of the time. It could be lack of sleep, but usually when I don't sleep I don't get angry just... skeptical of everything. Maybe it's just anxiety overload from school starting soon and all that stuff.

I'm getting bug bites like no tomorrow. Well, it's actually not that many but they still hurt. For some reason they keep ending up on my bones, which makes it hurt even more. I also got scratched by my dog, Toddy, last night. It was kind of near my vein so I was pretty scared. It ended up not on it though, so it's alright. It stung a lot last night and so I wasn't able to get a good night's sleep. I fell asleep at around four thirty.There's still a bit of pulled up skin on my arm, but it's fine now. I'm just getting more and more healthy, right?

No WiiFit today, I couldn't get out of bed in time. Even though I woke up at eight, I couldn't pull myself out of bed. I eventually got out of bed around noon, when the rest of my family got home. I'm still pretty drained, I have no clue why I wasn't able to fall asleep last night. Maybe it really is insomnia kicking me in the butt. I'll continue with this later on, my finger are beginning to hurt.

- - -

Well, I've had a total mood swing. I suppose it's all thanks to yogurt. Yes, strawberry yogurt. I layed down for a bit after I typed the earlier half, you know to see if it would make me feel better. It didn't really, so I began to eat strawberry yogurt without a spoon. Yeah, I was too lazy to go get one. As I was doing this, Miss Jackie im'd me. It was a pretty like ohmygodhighschooliscoming chat as it started, but in the end it turned out completely different. I told her that.. uh, well just read this.

: man, i'm eating yogurt with my fingers.
nina : D;
jackie : LOL
jackie : why dont you get a fork
jackie : spoon *
nina : FFF LOL
nina : too lazy.
jackie : LOL
jackie : LMFAO
jackie : XD

And that kind of made my day haha. Well, that's pretty much it. Byebye !

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Tuesday to contest with.

Since school is starting soon, I believe it's time to get my literacy back. Therefore, from now on I shall try and make these everyday entries longer and more detailed. Please feel free to not read them at all for they may cause extreme boredom and 'proper' English overload. You have been warned and out company is now not liable for any damage that may occur. Also, when typing these daily blogs, I will try and decrease my use of emoticons so that I don't end up writing one on my homework. Speaking of which, I sort of miss having homework now. I know it sounds crazy, but it kept me busy when I actually did it. Since we are going into high school this year, I can't procrastinate even if I wanted to. These years are dreadfully important and I won't let myself screw them up as I did to eighth grade year.

I do hope that I receive Geometry class again. I failed Mr. Tran's class, well not failed but got very low grades, and I don't think I'm ready for Algebra 2/Trigonometry. If I do end up having that class, I guess that I'll take it. It's better to have higher math classes, someone told me once, and staying back in Geometry won't be helping me much. Plus, I am way too afraid to face a councilor or someone of that rank and ask for a class change. It's already a hassle enough that I barely got into Grove and I don't want to cause anymore trouble to the school. Oh my, I'm talking about school when I should be talking about my day. My apologizes whomever is reading this, which would probably be no one at all.

In the evening I drifted off to sleep around the hour of three in the morning. During my slumber, there were no dreams that I could recall. I awoke bright and early at eight, but had nothing to do. I can honestly say that I don't like it much when my father stays home. He just makes life a bit harder for the whole family what with his anger issues and alcohol addiction. I suppose it could be worse though, so I don't want to complain that much. I didn't get the chance to 'work out' on the WiiFit today either, so I'm just gaining weight today.

Later on in the day, I gave my black labrodor, Toddy, a bath. My father was quite angry when I implied that Toddy was perfectly fine and was not in need of a bath. As he yelled on, eventually I gave in and took Toddy to the frontyard. My brother was supposed to help also, but half way through he retreated back to the inside of the house complaining that he had done everything today and that I deserved to do all the work. Honestly though, he just sat on his floor and played XBOX 360 all day. While I on the other hand sat in my room while using the computer all day. I find them both equally lazy things to do. After Toddy had been soaked, soaped, and soaked again my father left to go inside. So, I was left outside with a soaking wet dog, two towels, shedding spray, and a dog comb. For about ten minutes I dried him- keep in mind Toddy is one big dog. After he was about halfway dry, I began to use the shedding spray which was supposed to be used to stop dogs from shedding as much. The spray smelt repulsive and did not seem to help much. Since Toddy shed heavily, the brush I used easily filled up with dog hair. I asked my father if he may use water to clean the hair out of the brush, but he only replied that he was busy and would not help.

Eventually, I finished and now Toddy is all dry. I haven't really done anything else today, nothing worth writing about anyway. I think this is a good amount of words typed, so I'll end it here. I hope to reach somewhere near four or five hefty paragraphs before school starts. Good day to you all !

hmm. monday is bleh.

Today I didn't do much, I had to play with little kiddies. They made me tired. :c

That's how out of shape Miss Nina is. I better start losing weight or I'm going to be the least pretty Rin at Anime Expo 2010. I should start saving money too, it's not like I'll be able to buy anything after spending $140+ on cosplay but oh well. The cosplay will be worth it because it is so cute. But I will definitly kill it. ;D

Uhh, what else what else. I'm going to start waking up at 8:oo am each day now so then I won't be dying when school starts. I'm not really a morning person to begin with and all, so practice would be terrific. I need to find my iPod speakers so that music will be able to wake me up at a reasonable volume. Since like, if I used my alarm my parents and brother would kill me. My dad usually wakes up around 6:00 am though since he has to go to work. But my mum and brother don't wake up until 9:ooam-1o:ooam since my brother has swimming squad classes at Pacifica at around 12:oopm. And they have to leaver early since we live nowhere near Pacifica. During the one and a half hour they are gone though, I get to play WiiFit and lose weight. So I guess it's good they are good. xD

Today after dinner, my mum, brother, my mum's friend, his two kids, and I went to this frozen yogurt place that's near my house. I never really heard of it since I don't go out much, but it was a nice little place. It was all organic and pretty. I think they moved in there about a month or two ago, but I just found out about them today. It tasted so good. My mouth wants more just thinking about it. They had so many flavours too, and one of my mum's friend's kids said that the change the flavours a lot. They ever had green tea and mint. It was like heaven in a frozen yogurt setting. They had so much toppings too, and guess what. They had fruit. I don't know about you, but fruit tastes mighty delicious with frozen yogurt.

Wow, this is getting long so I'll end it haha.

Good night and byebye !

Sunday, July 19, 2009

harry potter.

Today I went to the Block with Joodee and CLOUD. We went to see "HARRY 6" as the movie ticket had told us. I was pretty excited... like the nerd I am haha. We went to buy our tickets and apparently there was a BAKUGAN game meeting. And so there were so many little kid and bakugans. I don't watch the show, but it didn't look that cool anyway. SORRY BAKUGAN. Annnnd then we after we bought the tickets we went to eat. Pasta is yum. Then we went to buy illegal mexican candy and sour candy. Then to the movie we went! We were about 40 minutes early so we just sat there for a while. We came so early it was before the previews. There are so many movies coming out about 2012 and prediction government stuff. It's kind of scary.

THE MOVIE WAS... weird. Most of it was about teenager love and that stuff. The other half was about hogarts or something like that. And then Dumbledore died. Which wasn't as sad as I thought it would be. Maybe I'm just heartless. But Harry and Ginny were pretty cute together. <3 I like that name. Ginny. So english. Ron is pretty dense. Hermoine clearly likes him and just UGH. Lavender was pretty annoying. And Luna is just win haha. No more rambling about the movie.

I bought two new pairs of pants yush. Skinny jeans ftw. We got free samples at Bath&Body works. And coffee. And looked at manga. and yeah. That's about it, so buhbye for now !

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

it's almost one am. c:

Well, Nina has yet to turn off the computer. She'll have to soon or she'll get caught. xD

So uhh, today was alright. For the past two nights I've been downloading Legend of Zelda OST, and if you've played the game before you'd know how long it is. Which means lots of music. I downloaded one game's soundtrack sucessfully. Now just three more to go. OTL. Uh, I almost completed another but halfway through the website broke down. Suuuuuuucks.

SHOOT. GAH. I GOT RUBBER BANDS AGAIN AND KEEP FORGETTING TO PUT THEM IN. ;__; Orthodontists won't be happy with me.

Dude, my brother and mother and father are seriously annoying. I feel like shooting all of them. But unfortunately, I can't.

Gotta update my music. I'm pretty much done.

My life is boring. xDD

Monday, July 13, 2009


I am so annoyed. and hot. and dying. and sick. and whining. Sorry.

Uhhh, for like the second time this summer I'm hot. I'm wearing jeans, t shirt, and jacket. I would take my jacket off, but I just... don't want to. :c

Since it's hot I get headaches easily and almost EVERYTHING is annoying. Like if you called me right now and offered me a thousand dollars, I'd roll my eyes and say 'okay'.

I feel sick to my stomach. :I I slept at 6:30 am last night and woke up at 9am. Stupid insomnia.

Sorry for whining. I'll stop now. buhbye.

Friday, July 10, 2009

is upset. :I

So these past days have been pretty boring and tiring.

I don't think I told anyone this on my blog, but my dog, Toddy, had a seizure a couple of days ago. He's alright, the veterinarian said that it was most likely from the fireworks of fourth of july.

Anyway, he was pretty much fine after that and he was pretty normal. But he started eating less and less and become even more lazy than he is usually.

My dad said he's been vomiting for the past few days, and today at 5am he started hurling in my room. Like any other person would do, I took him outside and went back to lie down.

My mom took him to the vet today, and they shaved and flushed the inside of his ears and checked him everywhere. They shaved and flushed his ears because he's been acting as if something is in them lately, but I guess they didn't find anything. They checked his stomach and everywhere else and didn't seem to find anything.

They also said that it might be some sort of parasite in him. My dad said it could also be some sort of cancer. I hope to God we don't have to put him down this year, or even worse have him die painfully. I guess you guys didn't really need to know about this, but still.

I hope you guys have a good weekend.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

A lovely trip to my nearest... EVILTEETHPLACE.

Sooo. Today I woke up kind of late-early. It's considered early for most people, but it's pretty late from how I'm waking up lately. 9:14am, hurrah? UH ANYWAYS. Did you notice I'm using caps and such? Pretty spiffy huh? I decided to try and do proper capitalization on everything except aim. I'm way too lazy to do that. Okay, okay. Moving on.

TODAY I GOT TO PLAY KINGDOM HEARTS 2 OH JOY. :D I've been aching to play it so much lately, and finally got to. I beat uh some guy who's name starts with a X or Z. There's a lot of them haha. And I got more torn pages ad Pooh Bear finally remembers me. <3

I also had to go to the dentist. ;__; I had two cavities and dentist guy number one treated me like a five year old. He kept calling me "sweetheart" and "adorable". I didn't know dentists could lie so much. o: Anyways, dentist guy number two shot me with numb stuff on both sides of my mouth. Ugh, I hate my mouth being numb. Anyways, and that was pretty much it. My mouth like just got unnumb like a few minutes ago. And he shot the numb into me around 3pm. The horror, no?

Anyways, byebye.

Monday, July 06, 2009

recap. thurs-sun.


Today was the first day of anime expo and I slept from 4am to 5:03am. Around 5:30am, Nii Nii came over and we awaited the three others. They came around 6:10ish, they being Yen Nhi Nii, Cecilia, and Sir Nunu. We had to then wait for my dad to drive us to the LA Convention center. We left around 7am and I forgot what time we arrived. We waited in the line untill 12pm. Waiting in line was somewhat boring, but I didn't really mind it. Sir Nunu and I had to go buy badges at around 11am, since my dad failed to retrieve them from the man who was going to get them for us. Once we arrived we headed straight to the exibit hall where we spent most of our time on day one. I bought:

` Joodee Loo a Lavi figure as her early birthday gift. 25$
` Everyone coffee, which ended up to be like six coffees that whole day.
` AX Thursday pass. 35$

We spent a lot of time sitting down, well at least Sir Nunu and I did. 1 hour of sleep + Walking around for nearly 12 hours = ow. To end our day, we watched the Chibi Masquerade. I admit, I wasn't really looking forward to it. But some acts were actually quite funny, such as Snake, Weird Shinigami dude, and no face.


Woke up at 5am once more, and waited for everyone to come over. Once they all got here, we went to pick up Miss Allen. My mum drove us to the center and we waited in line for the exibit hall to open. It was Miss Allen's first year at AX, so I let her go wherever she wanted. TRAUMA TEAM IS TO BE RELEASED IN SPRING 2010. /fangirl spasism. We got cool bags and band aids from the nurses. Pictures with them too. I met up with a girl whom I took pictures with last year as Renge and Mitsukumi of Ouran High School Host Club. She hugged me haha. Then we traveled over to the KHR gathering. I'm using letters because I don't know how to spell it. ;__; I took a picture with a tall Haru, got propsed to by a short Tsuna, and protected and hugged by a cool Ryohei. All in a days work no? Well, I'm not done yet. :I We were going to go to the Anime Trivia Show, but it's time got changed with the Pop Shock Masquerade and we weren't able to go. /wanted to see pretty Visual Kei cosplays at the Pop Shock Masquerade. That day I bought:

` Russia Pin.
` Two Russia Key Chains.
` Food for Miss Allen.
` Birthday gift for Miss Allen.
` Two volumes of Samurai Deeper Kyo for Miss Allen.


I woke up around 7:20 and not 5am for once. Joyjoy. Yen Nhi Nii's mum got a little lost, but it was okay because then we didn't have to wait in line as much. ( dear god i'm tired of typing. ;__; ) I forgot what we did mostly this day. OH, uh... vocaloid gathering I think. Boring haha. At around 5pm we watched this premire thingy, then this VAMPS j-rock tour thingy, then a vocaloid thingy haha.


Woke up same time. Got there. Shopped. Bought Key Chains of Link, Marth, and Cloud. Watched Events. Shounen Jump Gathering. Missed the Zelda Event. >___>; Open Miked. Ate. Did dares. Left.