Monday, July 06, 2009

recap. thurs-sun.


Today was the first day of anime expo and I slept from 4am to 5:03am. Around 5:30am, Nii Nii came over and we awaited the three others. They came around 6:10ish, they being Yen Nhi Nii, Cecilia, and Sir Nunu. We had to then wait for my dad to drive us to the LA Convention center. We left around 7am and I forgot what time we arrived. We waited in the line untill 12pm. Waiting in line was somewhat boring, but I didn't really mind it. Sir Nunu and I had to go buy badges at around 11am, since my dad failed to retrieve them from the man who was going to get them for us. Once we arrived we headed straight to the exibit hall where we spent most of our time on day one. I bought:

` Joodee Loo a Lavi figure as her early birthday gift. 25$
` Everyone coffee, which ended up to be like six coffees that whole day.
` AX Thursday pass. 35$

We spent a lot of time sitting down, well at least Sir Nunu and I did. 1 hour of sleep + Walking around for nearly 12 hours = ow. To end our day, we watched the Chibi Masquerade. I admit, I wasn't really looking forward to it. But some acts were actually quite funny, such as Snake, Weird Shinigami dude, and no face.


Woke up at 5am once more, and waited for everyone to come over. Once they all got here, we went to pick up Miss Allen. My mum drove us to the center and we waited in line for the exibit hall to open. It was Miss Allen's first year at AX, so I let her go wherever she wanted. TRAUMA TEAM IS TO BE RELEASED IN SPRING 2010. /fangirl spasism. We got cool bags and band aids from the nurses. Pictures with them too. I met up with a girl whom I took pictures with last year as Renge and Mitsukumi of Ouran High School Host Club. She hugged me haha. Then we traveled over to the KHR gathering. I'm using letters because I don't know how to spell it. ;__; I took a picture with a tall Haru, got propsed to by a short Tsuna, and protected and hugged by a cool Ryohei. All in a days work no? Well, I'm not done yet. :I We were going to go to the Anime Trivia Show, but it's time got changed with the Pop Shock Masquerade and we weren't able to go. /wanted to see pretty Visual Kei cosplays at the Pop Shock Masquerade. That day I bought:

` Russia Pin.
` Two Russia Key Chains.
` Food for Miss Allen.
` Birthday gift for Miss Allen.
` Two volumes of Samurai Deeper Kyo for Miss Allen.


I woke up around 7:20 and not 5am for once. Joyjoy. Yen Nhi Nii's mum got a little lost, but it was okay because then we didn't have to wait in line as much. ( dear god i'm tired of typing. ;__; ) I forgot what we did mostly this day. OH, uh... vocaloid gathering I think. Boring haha. At around 5pm we watched this premire thingy, then this VAMPS j-rock tour thingy, then a vocaloid thingy haha.


Woke up same time. Got there. Shopped. Bought Key Chains of Link, Marth, and Cloud. Watched Events. Shounen Jump Gathering. Missed the Zelda Event. >___>; Open Miked. Ate. Did dares. Left.


  1. You sound so bored hahahaha XD
    I love your description of the KHR gathering! COOL RYOHEI TO THE EXTREME!!!!!!!!
    I love you Nina-sama! Thank you for the stuffs you bought me :D

  2. well dude, that's a lot of typing. o__e
    uh ilytoo.

  3. o:
    did you see the
    " bastard &friends "
    table thing ?
    my bro bought me a hat
    25 $. so expensive D:
