Monday, July 13, 2009


I am so annoyed. and hot. and dying. and sick. and whining. Sorry.

Uhhh, for like the second time this summer I'm hot. I'm wearing jeans, t shirt, and jacket. I would take my jacket off, but I just... don't want to. :c

Since it's hot I get headaches easily and almost EVERYTHING is annoying. Like if you called me right now and offered me a thousand dollars, I'd roll my eyes and say 'okay'.

I feel sick to my stomach. :I I slept at 6:30 am last night and woke up at 9am. Stupid insomnia.

Sorry for whining. I'll stop now. buhbye.


  1. get well soon, princess zelda ! O:

    54 more days till school. & no more headaches for you ! well from the summer that is.

  2. really? that's pretty short. I really can't wait to see everyone again. (:
