Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Tuesday to contest with.

Since school is starting soon, I believe it's time to get my literacy back. Therefore, from now on I shall try and make these everyday entries longer and more detailed. Please feel free to not read them at all for they may cause extreme boredom and 'proper' English overload. You have been warned and out company is now not liable for any damage that may occur. Also, when typing these daily blogs, I will try and decrease my use of emoticons so that I don't end up writing one on my homework. Speaking of which, I sort of miss having homework now. I know it sounds crazy, but it kept me busy when I actually did it. Since we are going into high school this year, I can't procrastinate even if I wanted to. These years are dreadfully important and I won't let myself screw them up as I did to eighth grade year.

I do hope that I receive Geometry class again. I failed Mr. Tran's class, well not failed but got very low grades, and I don't think I'm ready for Algebra 2/Trigonometry. If I do end up having that class, I guess that I'll take it. It's better to have higher math classes, someone told me once, and staying back in Geometry won't be helping me much. Plus, I am way too afraid to face a councilor or someone of that rank and ask for a class change. It's already a hassle enough that I barely got into Grove and I don't want to cause anymore trouble to the school. Oh my, I'm talking about school when I should be talking about my day. My apologizes whomever is reading this, which would probably be no one at all.

In the evening I drifted off to sleep around the hour of three in the morning. During my slumber, there were no dreams that I could recall. I awoke bright and early at eight, but had nothing to do. I can honestly say that I don't like it much when my father stays home. He just makes life a bit harder for the whole family what with his anger issues and alcohol addiction. I suppose it could be worse though, so I don't want to complain that much. I didn't get the chance to 'work out' on the WiiFit today either, so I'm just gaining weight today.

Later on in the day, I gave my black labrodor, Toddy, a bath. My father was quite angry when I implied that Toddy was perfectly fine and was not in need of a bath. As he yelled on, eventually I gave in and took Toddy to the frontyard. My brother was supposed to help also, but half way through he retreated back to the inside of the house complaining that he had done everything today and that I deserved to do all the work. Honestly though, he just sat on his floor and played XBOX 360 all day. While I on the other hand sat in my room while using the computer all day. I find them both equally lazy things to do. After Toddy had been soaked, soaped, and soaked again my father left to go inside. So, I was left outside with a soaking wet dog, two towels, shedding spray, and a dog comb. For about ten minutes I dried him- keep in mind Toddy is one big dog. After he was about halfway dry, I began to use the shedding spray which was supposed to be used to stop dogs from shedding as much. The spray smelt repulsive and did not seem to help much. Since Toddy shed heavily, the brush I used easily filled up with dog hair. I asked my father if he may use water to clean the hair out of the brush, but he only replied that he was busy and would not help.

Eventually, I finished and now Toddy is all dry. I haven't really done anything else today, nothing worth writing about anyway. I think this is a good amount of words typed, so I'll end it here. I hope to reach somewhere near four or five hefty paragraphs before school starts. Good day to you all !


  1. What is with the sudden urge to write Nina-sama O.o!?

  2. Because I'm crazy. I've finally lost my mind. o:
